Friday, January 20, 2012

National Penguin Awareness Day 2012

January 20th is National Penguin Awareness Day.  And with such movies as "Happy Feet" and "March of The Penguins" these little guys are very well known and liked.

But did you know there are several species of penguins that are threatened and even endangered?  The Galapagos and African penguins are two species that are endangered while the Southern Rockhopper, White-Flippered, and Humboldt penguins are just a few of many threatened.

When you look at pictures, there are always hundreds and even thousands of penguins just hanging out on the ice so you would never think of them as endangered or threatened.  So why are these flightless birds in danger of becoming extinct?  Well for one, pollution and global warming are destroying their natural habitat and food sources.  Another reason, oil spills and even oil just being dumped into water are hurting penguins.  And believe it or not some people kill penguins for their blubber, since their skin has a very high fat content.

The Galapagos Penguin

So let's bring awareness to the situation and save out dear penguins.  One easy way to save these little guys is to reduce pollution.  Not only will that little deed go a long way for penguins but for our environment and other species as well.